Date: 17.06. 2024
On June 17, 2024, the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology at Cracow University of Technology organized a chemistry workshop as part of the Polonez Bis project, “Noble Metal Clusters Incorporated into g-C3N4-Based Heterostructures Toward Solar-Driven Photo- and Electrochemical Conversion” (UMO-2021/43/P/ST5/01729).
Students from Integrated Primary School No. 128 and Blessed Laura Vicuna Primary School of the Salesian Sisters in Krakow participated in the workshop.
The students had the opportunity to listen to a presentation on the Polonez Bis project by the project leader, Dr. Xiao Zhang. They also took part in chemistry workshops led by Beata Szreniawa, M.Sc., Alicja Szymska-Szymanik, M.Sc., and Dr. Filip Koper, as well as a course on the formation of polyurethane foams led by Prof. Maria Kurańska, Dr. Elżbieta Malewska, and Michał Kucała, M.Sc.
Additionally, the students enjoyed fire demonstrations conducted by Dr. Karolina Kula and Mikołaj Sadowski, M.Sc.