


Project title:

IMPACT - Building values-based innovation cultures for sustainable business impact

Project number: 621672-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-EPPKA2-KA

Polish team leader: Katarzyna Matras-Postołek, Prof., Ph.D., DSc.

Obtained total funds: 971 175,00 Euro

Funding source: Co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union

Project duration:

Start day: 01-2021

End day: 12-2023

Project location: Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Warszawska St. 24, 31-155 Krakow, Poland


Katarzyna Matras-Postołek, Prof., Ph.D., DSc.

Piotr Benko, Prof., Ph.D.

Irena Śliwińska, Ph.D.

Małgorzata Ciesielska, MBA

Jacek Kasz, Ph.D.


  • HHL gemeinnützige GmbH, Jahnallee 59, 04109 Leipzig, Germany, 
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
  • HMKW – University of Applied Science for Media, Communication, and Management, Germany
  • Cracow University of Technology, Poland 
  • University of Florence, Italy
  • Foundation for Research and Innovation, Italy
  • 3M Espana, Spain
  • TÜV Nord Mobility, Germany
  • South Poland Cleantech Cluster Sp. z o.o. , Poland
  • Nuova Pignone – Baker Hughes, Italy 
  • Innofora Limited, Cyprus
  • Circular Change, Institute for Circular Economy, Slovenia
  • The International Society for Professional Innovation Management – ISPIM, Company
  • ASIIN Consult GmbH, Germany

Short description of the project:

The IMPACT project translates the EU’s sustainable development goals into daily business practices. It develops new ways of putting stakeholders’ values into action and illustrates how sustainability challenges can unlock innovation.

The project unites innovation scholars and practitioners to improve the teaching and coaching of sustainability-oriented innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education institutions around Europe. More precisely, we will deliver better teaching materials, educational methods, as well as best practices for use by educators, coaches and facilitators.

The main project outputs are:

  • Cases of good practices
  • Facilitation methods: “Sustainable Innovation Practices Toolkit”
  • Methods for teaching and coaching sustainability-oriented innovation and entrepreneurship

For additional details about the project and its outcomes, please visit